Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Schools For Fashion Consultants

Image consultants are knowledgeable in color theory and wardrobe analysis.

An eye for color and style can lead to a career as a fashion consultant (also known as a fashion stylist). Fashion consultants analyze a client's complexion and body type in order to select the styles and colors of clothing that are most flattering. Completing an online or campus-based training program teaches aspiring fashion consultants about color theory, wardrobe analysis and launching a business.

Image Resource Center of New York

The module-based Image Consultant Training Program offered by the Image Resource Center of New York trains aspiring stylists in a variety of areas. While the full program lasts nine days, participants can take individual modules. The women's wardrobe and style analysis module teaches aspiring fashion consultants market services and conduct evaluations of a potential client's lifestyle and personality. The personal shopping field trip is geared towards students with a knowledge of style assessment techniques and body types and provides an opportunity to put the skills learned in the wardrobe analysis module into practice. Additional modules focus on menswear, color analysis, and entrepreneurial skills. Classes are held in New York.


ByFerial is an image consulting firm that offers training to prospective fashion consultants. In the US, training courses are held in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The introductory class for consultants consists of four modules taken over a six-day period. Participants learn about body proportion, proper measuring techniques, color theory and business building. An etiquette module is also offered for consultants who choose to work with clients to overhaul their entire image and not just their wardrobe. Advanced training in personal shopping and portfolio building is also available.

Fashion Image Insitute

The Fashion Image Institute offers an online fashion stylist certification course. The curriculum covers the history of fashion styling, get work, styling celebrity and non-celebrity clients, and creating portfolios. Upon completion of the course, students are able to create style plans, sketch concepts for clients and identify various eras in fashion history. Students who pass the final exam with a score of 85% or better earn a certification as a fashion stylist and can access a number of forms, such as personal style questionnaires and invoices, to help them launch their consultant business.

Tags: color theory, fashion stylist, wardrobe analysis, analysis module, aspiring fashion, aspiring fashion consultants, Center York