Sunday, March 9, 2014

Prevent And Hide Bruises From Cosmetic Procedures

You can prevent and hide bruises from cosmetic procedures.

Cosmetic procedures can produce amazing results. But you may have to put up with a fair amount of swelling and bruising before you can enjoy them. Here are some easy ways to prevent and hide bruises that often occur after cosmetic procedures.


1. TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR. Before any cosmetic procedure, you should meet with your doctor and fully discuss your expectations, what will be done and what to expect afterwards. During this discussion, ask the doctor how much bruising you can expect and what you can do to mitigate it. Some suggestions are listed below, but they are not to be taken as a substitute for professional medical advice.

2. EAT FRESH PINEAPPLE. In addition to being delicious, fresh pineapple contains a substance called bromelain, which has anti-clotting and anti-inflammatory properties. Eating half a fresh pineapple for three days before your cosmetic procedure may reduce any bruising that might result from that procedure.

3. STOP ASPIRIN. Aspirin makes people bleed more easily, so unless your doctor advises otherwise, stop taking aspirin and all aspirin-containing products a week before and after your cosmetic procedure.

4. STOP VITAMIN E. Vitamin E, like aspirin, is a blood thinner and should not be taken for 2-3 weeks before and after your cosmetic procedure. Avoiding Vitamin E may also help you bruise less after your treatment.

5. MINIMIZE SWELLING AND BRUISING. There are products available that you can take before your procedure that can help minimize bruising and swelling. Auriderm tablets and gel are two that I know of. Ask your doctor for his or her recommendation.

6. USE COLD COMPRESSES. Apply cold compresses to your face for the first few hours after the procedure. This really helps reduce swelling. You can buy re-usable compresses or make your own with ice cubes and a plastic bag. A bag of frozen peas also works just fine.

7. HIDE BRUISING. If you do get some bruises, it's easy to hide them with cosmetics. You'll find cover ups and concealers in the cosmetic aisle that will do the job nicely. Look for an applicator that has both green and skin-toned concealers. Applying a base coat of green concealer is a trick professional makeup artists use to hide red and purple blemishes before applying a skin-toned concealer.

Tips Warnings

The information in this article is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice. Ask your doctor if your have questions regarding what is discussed in this article.

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