Sunday, March 9, 2014

Install Mobile Home Roofing Quickly

A new roof for your mobile home can be installed quickly and inexpensively.

Mobile homes, also called manufactured homes, generally have metal roofs that take a great deal of wear from harsh weather conditions. This abuse can cause holes and leaks from roofing connections, as well as poor energy efficiency. To solve these problems, homeowners must install a new mobile home roof or retrofit the roof to provide better protection from the elements. Do-it-yourself homeowners can add a new roof quickly over a few days with seamless rubber roofing.


1. Remove debris and loose metal from the rooftop, taking care to provide a smooth clean surface for the rubber roofing materials. Good preparation of the surface is the key to a successful seamless rubber roof coating. Careful scraping and removal of old roofing will enable the new roof to adhere well to the surface. A wire brush attachment on a grinder or electric drill will help to remove rust spots and unevenness before applying the new roof.

2. Wash the roof with a solution of household detergent and water to remove dirt, grime and tree sap from the surface. Use a long-handled brush to scrub off mold and stains. Rinse the solution off the roof and allow the surface to dry thoroughly.

3. Caulk all seams on the roof with a caulk gun using neoprene material to prevent leaking. Also caulk around the base of vents and other projections from the roof surface. Allow the neoprene caulk to cure overnight. The manufacturer of the caulk may have additional instructions in regards to drying and curing times.

4. Pour the rubber roofing material onto the roof surface, starting at the furthest corner of the roof and spreading it out in an even layer with the long-napped roller. Follow the manufacturer's directions on how thick to apply the coating on the roof.

5. Work across the roof surface, applying the rubber, and spread it into a smooth layer on the surface of the roof, taking care to fully cover seams and other areas where surfaces of roofing materials are penetrated by home equipment. Apply the material to the same thickness throughout the task to prevent weak spots from developing where the coating may be thin.

6. Finish applying the rubber to the last small area as you descend from the roof. Allow the rubber coating to dry fully as recommended by the manufacturer before stepping back onto the roof.

7. Apply a second coat if the manufacturer recommends it. Ensure that the first coat dries for 24 hours before applying the second coat.

Tips Warnings

Purchase high-quality rubber material from a reliable roofing supply outlet. Avoid purchasing the material from home improvement centers that carry lower quality types of rubber roofing.

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