Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Johnson & Johnson Scholarships For Nursing

Johnson & Johnson both funds and arranges nursing scholarships.

Johnson & Johnson arrange a number of scholarships for those in nursing studies as well as for those entering a nursing degree. They are designed to overcome the major shortage of people in the nursing sector. Most scholarships are managed by Johnson & Johnson, while others are funded directly by the company itself.

AAMN Foundation Scholarships for Men

This award, which amounted to $1,000 as of 2011, is sponsored jointly by Johnson & Johnson and the American Assembly for Men in Nursing. They are geared toward male students who are pursuing either a graduate degree in nursing or a pre-Registered Nurse licensure. As they are subject to available funding, these scholarships are not offered every year, and thus any interested students should consult the AAMN before applying.

Johnson & Johnson Wharton Fellowship Program

The Wharton Fellowship Program in Management for Nurse Executives is a training program offered by the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. The program teaches experienced nurses in financial and management principles. Completely funded by Johnson & Johnson, tuition, daytime meals and special events are covered. Individuals need only to pay for the course materials fee. To be eligible, applicants must be an organization's chief nursing officer and be nominated by his or her chief executive officer.

NSNA Scholarships

The National Student Nurses' Association arranges a number of nursing scholarships each year that are sponsored by Johnson & Johnson. Awards range from $1,000 to $2,500 for the 2012 application year, amounting to a total of $125,000. Only schools in selected regions in the United States are eligible, and prospective recipients must demonstrate financial need, academic merit and involvement in community activities. Scholarships are available for those entering a first degree in nursing.

Jill Laura Creedon Scholarship

This scholarship is given to nursing students who have a disability and is directly funded by Johnson & Johnson. The scholarship is named after Jill Laura Creedon, a nursing student who died of a terminal illness. The award amounted to $500 as of 2011 and is available annually. The scholarship is administered by Exceptional Nurses, an organization that supports nurses living with medical challenges.

Tags: Johnson Johnson, amounted 2011, degree nursing, Fellowship Program, funded Johnson