Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Become A Paramedic In British Columbia

There is always a need for qualified medical professionals as first responders. In British Columbia, paramedics form the first line of defense against urgent medical problems, often saving lives for residents throughout the province. It's their advanced medical training, their dedication, and their experience that make them as effective as any paramedical force in the world.


1. Contact the Emergency Medical Assistants Licensing Board. They set the guidelines for proper training and education for paramedics in British Columbia. Attend an approved training course at one of the listed professional schools.

2. Complete the training required to receive your EMR certification. The Emergency Medical Responder certification is the lowest tier of qualifications required to become a paramedic in BC. This certification allows the holder to administer basic medicines such as oral glucose for diabetics, and nitrous oxide for pain.

3. Apply in person at your local paramedical facility. The local Paramedic Chief will be the person conducting your interview, along with up to two other regional Chiefs who may also be hiring.

4. Prepare for your interview. The interview will consist mainly of the Chief providing you with "what-if" situations, with you responding with an appropriate treatment plan. The interview will be granted anywhere from 2 weeks to 3 months after receiving your application. If you have not completed the Primary Care Paramedic training and certification, there will be a written exam as well. After you interview, assuming that you are deemed acceptable, you will be placed in a hiring pool. The pool is ranked by interview and exam scores. The better you do on the interview and any required exams, the more quickly you'll be hired.

Tags: British Columbia, Emergency Medical, interview will, your interview