Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Teach Elementary Division For Kids

There a different ways to describe division to children, which may clear up confusion.

Elementary division can be a difficult concept for children. Often the lessons go right over their heads, which can lead to frustration and possibly falling behind in class. There are simple ways you can teach elementary division to kids, and these techniques can be used by teachers in the classroom or by parents at home.


1. Use different words to teach elementary division to kids. For many children it's the vocabulary that slows them down, not the concept. "Division" is a big word for many kids. Changing it to "dividing" helps. Or get straight to the point and call it "grouping." That's really what division is: putting things into groups. For example, dividing 12 by 4 is really just breaking apart 12 into 4 equal groups.

2. Gather real objects with the children to give them something to physically handle. Numbers are really just symbols for an amount, and dividing a symbol may be too an abstract of a concept for some children. Gathering and then dividing small manipulative objects, such as stickers, cereal pieces, blocks or pebbles, can help the abstract become more concrete and help children understand the concept of dividing up groups.

3. Have children divide the objects gathered in Step 2 into groups. You can use hoola-hoops, draw circles on the ground or designate different areas on a table for the grouping of the manipulatives. Change the numbers of areas to change the divisor. Ask children to distribute the items equally into the different areas. While they are doing this, use standard words like "division" so they can associate the proper words with the action.

4. Discuss the "remainder." Sometimes there are leftovers when you divide. At first, call what remains the "extras" in order to teach the concept, since "remainder" can be a confusing word for some children. The extras or remainders should stay outside the grouping areas.

5. Introduce fraction vocabulary when you teach elementary division to kids. Words like "halves," "thirds," and "quarters" are an integral -- yet frequently confusing -- part of division. You can make connections between fractions and division when you give directions such as, "Put these toys into two groups. That means, divide them in half."

Tags: division kids, elementary division kids, into groups, different areas, elementary division, really just, some children