Friday, March 25, 2011

Score 800 On The Gmat

If you've clicked on this article, then you've go the attitude it takes to earn a perfect score of 800 on the GMAT. Earning a score of 800 is not easy, but it is attainable if you commit yourself to studying for several months, and open your mind to learn new strategies and techniques. If you have what it takes to earn an 800 GMAT, here's prepare yourself for this challenge.


1. Give yourself at least 3 months to study before your exam and make a strict schedule that you can follow. You will need to set aside at least an hour of uninterrupted study time 5 or 6 times a during the week, and several more hours each weekend.

2. Sign up for a prep course that includes 8-10 full length computer adaptive GMAT practice tests. The course can be either online or in the classroom, but it is important to choose a prep course where you will learn new strategies for doing GMAT questions efficiently and accurately.

3. Every weekend starting with your second week of study, take a full length practice test. Make sure that you complete all parts of the exam, including the analytical writing section. One major mistake that many GMAT takers commit is never completing a full practice test. On exam day their endurance is put to the test like never before, and they do poorly out of fatigue. Don't let this happen to you!

4. Review the questions you answered incorrectly on every practice test and learn the rationale behind the correct choices. When you work math problems out of your study guides, figure out solve the problems at least two different ways and note which methods are faster for different problem types. Learn the rules for GMAT sentence correction cold.

5. Always practice the reading and critical reasoning with some time constraints. Pay attention to similarities among the correct answer choices, and notice what the wrong answer choices have in common. On the GMAT, wrong answers for these questions usually involve distortions and faulty assumptions.

6. Write practice essays and have a trusted friend, teacher or tutor grade them according to the GMAT scoring guidelines. Remember that graders look for logical organization, clear concrete examples, and ideas that address the complexity of the issues. Remember to time yourself for 30 minutes on every essay.

7. Keep your body healthy while your prep for the GMAT. Eat protein and take vitamins to keep your brain in good shape. Exercise regularly to clear your head. Also, make sure to get at least 7 hours of sleep every night so that you can retain the information. Lack of sleep affects memory.

The might before your GMAT you should get at least 8 hours of shut-eye and on test day, eat a healthy breakfast. Remember that the GMAT is a beatable test and with practice, you can ace the many question types.

Tags: practice test, answer choices, before your, full length, learn strategies, least hours, prep course