Thursday, November 11, 2010

Make Learning A Second Language Fun

Learning a second language can be a rewarding endeavor, even if you are doing it out of necessity for work or travel. There are ways to make it a fun experience, which, will makes learning a second language much quicker and easier than ever before. Even if you never speak a second language like a native, you'll at least know ask where the bathroom is.


1. Learn the basics of the language. Decide which beginner's guide best suits your learning style and learn grammatical rules, basic pronunciation rules and proper use of interrogatory methods. This will help you get started so you can move forward to the "fun" part of learning a language.

2. Look in the language and travel sections of a bookstore. There are many resources in larger outlets where you will find language games for learners. Some of these you can play alone, others you'll play with other people. There are also electronic hand-held games if you are a techno-freak. Choose whatever games you like to play to make learning a second language more enjoyable.

3. Take your favorite song lyrics and translate them into the language you are learning. Then check the language's dictionary to see if you have succeeded in translating them correctly. There are websites and software you can use or buy to check your grammar and pronunciation or find songs to use.

4. Browse or your favorite bookstore for the latest software for learning languages. There are now companies that make CD's that will play basic phrases and questions while you work, play or relax. Repetition allows you to retain the material on a subconscious level, without you having to concentrate on what is being said.

5. Use a combination of software and visual learning tools. View a picture of the object, along with the spelling and pronunciation while you are listening. Whether you are a visual or auditory learner, this combination will be a terrific help.

6. Read the comics. There are now sarcastic and hip comics to help you learn. These language comics include pictures, a main character, friends and situations which help you translate the language into English so you don't miss anything. They have a dictionary in the back with words and phrases used.

Tags: second language, learning second, your favorite