Thursday, November 25, 2010

Find A Physical Therapy Assistant Program

Find a Physical Therapy Assistant Program

Many individuals seeking a new career path join a physical therapy assistant program. As a Physical Therapy Assistant, you will help patients through the rehabilitation process. Patients are recovering from all types of situations including strokes, back pain, head injuries and burns. But to become a physical therapy assistant, you must complete a physical therapy assistant program.


1. Locate a program in your area. The first step in becoming a physical therapy assistant is finding a program in your area. All Allied Health Schools has a list of accredited programs nationwide. Find a few programs in your area to investigate.

2. Apply to programs. Once you've identified a few programs, complete applications for admissions. Some programs admit annually, while others accept new students more frequently. Contact the admissions office to ensure you meet application deadlines.

3. Apply for financial aid. If you need financial assistance, complete the Federal Application for Student Aid. This application can qualify you for federal loans and grants and is easy to complete online.

4. Consider securing scholarships. Each education institution you apply to has unique scholarship programs. If you are looking to secure financial assistance, meet with each financial aid counselor to explore which scholarships you may qualify for.

5. Get some extra experience. If you are applying to a competitive program, you can set your application apart by securing volunteer experience. This will also look good on your resume when applying to physical therapy assistant jobs after graduation. Contact physical therapy practices in your area and offer your services.

Tags: physical therapy assistant, your area, physical therapy, program your, therapy assistant, Assistant Program