Monday, April 29, 2013

Why Is It Important To Have A Social Life In College

I need a social life.

Is it important to have a social life while in college? After all, aren't you in college to learn? There are those who would say that the main focus while in college should be academics and academics alone. However, having a social life while in college may actually enhance your learning environment.

I'm in College to Learn. Why Have a Social Life?

College life begins.

Beginning college is beginning a new chapter in your life. The days of high school are far behind you, and now it's time to settle in and prepare for what your future has in store for you. Chances are that you have already decided on what you want to major in or you have chosen to major in "general studies" until you figure out what you want to really do with your life.

For many, starting college is a stressful and scary time. Depending on where the college is located, you could be hundreds and even thousands of miles away from home. This for some will be the first time they have been away from their family, their hometown and their best childhood friends.

However, there is no need to be stressed. While you will be anxious and nervous, college life will open many new doors for you. Your academics will pave the way for your future career. While academics are important and should be your main focus while in college, it is also just as important to have a social life.

Study Partners

Students study better with a partner.

Having a social life in college is a great way to find study partners. In the college setting, your studies tend to be a bit more detailed then when you were in high school. Chances are, you are going to come across a ton of information that you have never encountered before. Having a study partner is a great way to bounce ideas and facts off of one another. Studying doesn't seem so stressful when you have someone to help you get through a tough exam or paper you have to write.

The best part about having a social life in college is that you are not limited to the campus environment. You and your study partner can go and study at a local coffee shop or over a sandwich at a favorite deli. The best part is that you're getting a social life and great friend to assist you with studying.


Always remember safety.

Having a social life in college is also a great way to ensure your safety. They say it's better to travel in numbers, and this is never more true then when in college. Whether you're male of female, you never want to be out roaming the town or campus alone. It just isn't safe anymore. So the friends that you socialize with outside of class can become the best safety measure. So you'll not only have fun with a large group, but you're less likely to become the victim of a crime when out with a crowd.

Stress Relievers

Take a break from studying.

There's no doubt that college life will get stressful. It's a lot of work that is worth it when you walk across the stage with your degree in hand. However, studying for a test, writing a term paper and reading chapter after chapter, in general, can put a lot of pressure on a college student. Having a social life is a great way to ease the stress.

Let's say you've been studying for two days for an exam coming up in your biology class. You've read page after page and diagram after diagram. All of a sudden there's a knock on the door and it's two of your dorm buddies wanting you to go with them for pizza. What do you do? Think about it. You've been studying your head off, and you have a headache from it. Why not take a break, grab some pizza with friends and have a good time? You'll find that when you return, you'll be more alert, relaxed and ready to pick up where you left off, but refreshed.

Travel Companions

Find a travel companion.

The college is offering a summer trip to Spain. While it is a learning environment, it's also a time to have some fun and explore a different culture. So you talk to a couple of your friends, and you all decide to go together. This is another great aspect as to why it's important to have a social life while in college. We all need social stimulation and finding traveling companions is a great part of that college environment. You'll find some amazing people to travel with and make the trip one to remember.

Enjoy College Life

Enjoy life outside of college.

Having a social life in college in not a bad thing. As long as you remember that your in college to get an education and always put that first, then having a social life is easy. Life doesn't stop because your in college; it's just beginning. You need a social life to ease stress and anxiety, to have some fun and make some great friends. College should be enjoyed and in order to do that, you need to take a break every now and then and just cut loose. So have fun in college, study hard and make memories that will last a life time. College life will be something you'll look back on with a smile.

Tags: social life, while college, life college, social life, important have social, life while, life while college