Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Ideas For A Master'S Thesis In Education

Ideas for a Master's Thesis in Education

Choosing an education master's thesis topic is no easy feat. By this point in your degree, you will have completed student teaching and have some experience in the classroom. Your thesis adviser will want to see you tackle a problem in education that pegs you as an analytical problem solver and an effective teacher. So think back on what you know about the problems facing education, and pick a topic that interests you. You'll research your topic and spend a lot of time writing, so enjoy the process!

Sample Topics

Many people choose a topic based on relevant issues in education today.

For instance, examine such topics as property taxes as a way to fund schools, racial and socioeconomic diversity in schools, the success and shortcomings of busing, the difference between magnet and mainstream curricula, the effects of parental involvement in education, gender expectations of students, or whatever else comes to mind from reading the education section of the newspaper or from your own time in the classroom.

Quantitative Components

For some theses, you could conduct your study through qualitative research for a case study. Most professors of education will tell you, however, that the most accurate studies do not spring from observation alone. Think about analyze data in your thesis, whether it be analyzing test scores or distributing a survey at a PTA meeting or amongst teachers. Perhaps the numbers you find will help confirm or challenge your original thesis and add validity to your study.

Library and Online Topic Research

Check your university library, where you might find sample theses that past education master's candidates have submitted. Read through other papers to get an idea of what you want to write about yourself, how you might improve upon the study and what you'd like to do the same or differently. Run the idea by your thesis adviser before initiating your paper.

Tags: education master, Ideas Master, Ideas Master Thesis, Master Thesis, Master Thesis Education, thesis adviser, Thesis Education