Thursday, November 3, 2011

Give A Lecture

This is an article on give a lecture.


1. Step 1) As an educational consultant, I witnessed too many teachers and professors give pitiful lectures. The first step in giving a good lecture is making it well-organized. Have 3-5 topics you want to discuss in your hour or so of presenting. Discuss only those. Don't go off on tangents.

2. Step 2) The second step in giving a good lecture has to do with the presenter. If you are a presenter, look professional, have a very strong and confident voice, and excellent body posture. There's nothing more undermining to a good lecture than an inarticulate, fidgety presenter.

3. Step 3) The third step in presenting a good lecture is using PowerPoint. You need to make sure everybody can see what you are talking about--you also need to give handouts of your lecture to your audience.

4. Step 4) The fourth step in giving a good lecture is providing a Question and Answer opportunity. Your audience will inevitably have questions, and you need to answer them. I hope this has been a helpful article on give a good lecture. Good luck!

Tags: good lecture, giving good, giving good lecture, step giving, step giving good, article give