Friday, November 11, 2011

Choose Between A Dorm Room And Apartment

Is a dorm room or apartment best for you?

When attending college, students usually have two housing choices. You can either live in a dorm room or an apartment. This is one of the biggest college decisions you’ll make. With one wrong choice, you can make yourself miserable. How do you make the right choice? How can you decide what will work best for you? The following steps will help walk you through the process of choosing between a college dorm room and an apartment.


1. Determine the amount you can afford to spend. Before you choose between a dorm room and an apartment, you need to check your funds. Can you afford to rent an apartment? How much does a dorm room cost? Is a dorm room covered by financial aid? These are all questions to ask yourself. The last thing you want to do is work two jobs to cover the cost of housing.

2. Decide whether or not you can stand living with a roommate. Most dorm rooms are shared by at least two students. This is something you must consider. Chances are that you won’t know the person you’re paired with. You may not even get along with him or her. Is this something you could live with? If not, an apartment may be a better option.

3. Consider the amount of space you need. Are you the type of person that just needs a place to sleep and study, or do you like to stretch out a bit? You must remember that dorm rooms are extremely small, while an apartment usually offers at least four rooms.

4. Think about the distance to classes. A dorm room gives you the advantage of living on campus. This allows you to walk to class each day. You can usually find apartments close to a campus, but the cost is usually more expensive than apartments that are further away. If you don't have a vehicle, a dorm room may be the better option.

5. Take rules into consideration. Dorm rooms and apartments both have rules. For the most part, an apartment will come with fewer rules. A landlord will require you to keep the apartment clean and may have a rule against parties. A dorm room, on the hand, will come with a booklet of rules that you must abide by.

Tags: dorm room, room apartment, better option, come with, dorm room, dorm room apartment