Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Make A Parent Board For A Preschool Classroom

Parent boards are a great way for preschool teachers to keep parents informed about upcoming events and other happenings in the classroom. But in order for parent boards to be effective, moms and dads have to actually read them. You can use your creativity--along with each child's--to create a project that will have parents calling you in order to take a look at the boards.


1. Select a bulletin board location that's near the entrance of the classroom. This will make the board easy for parents to access and read as they come in to drop their child off each day.

2. Use a stapler to cover the bulletin board with bright colored butcher paper such as soft yellow, light green or light blue. This will attract the eye, and parents will be more likely to notice it. Butcher paper can be purchased at stores that specialize in educational materials.

3. Define your parent board space with bulletin board border. The board will be more visible if the colors of the butcher paper and border are different. For example, if you choose soft yellow paper, you should select a border that’s green or red.

4. Use stencils to trace the letters for the words “parent board” on construction paper (any color of your choice). Staple them across the top of your information board. The letters should be large enough for parents to read from a distance.

5. Attach up-to-date information such as lesson plans, field trip reminders and anything else you want to keep parents informed about.

Tags: bulletin board, butcher paper, informed about, keep parents, keep parents informed, parent board