Monday, February 14, 2011

Surgical Technician Schools In Georgia

About Surgical Technician Schools in Georgia

A career in the medical field is one that is always in high demand. Being a surgical technician means that you will be a crucial part of any given surgical team. With a certificate or an associate's degree in surgical technician training, you will be able to assist a surgeon in a matter of months. Georgia offers numerous allied health programs which will enable you to receive the education that is required to be a surgical technician.


There are 126 higher education facilities throughout the state of Georgia, with the majority of the schools offering degrees or certificates in vocational or technical training. Surgical technicians, who are also known as "scrubs," are trained to assist the surgeon in the operating room as well as prepare the patient for the procedure. There are surgical technician programs available in Georgia, like that of Brown Makie College, that enable you to start the program at the beginning of any month of the year. Brown Makie wants to make school convenient for everyone, so both night and daytime classes are available.


Many Georgia schools, such as Lanier Technical College, generally offer a two-year Associate of Applied Science degree.

Vocational or technical colleges emphasize a relationship between the student and the academic advisers.

As a surgical technician student in Georgia, your education will feature such classes as medical terminology, surgery procedures and sterilization techniques. You will also receive hands on training through a series of clinical experience.

Time Frame

Receiving a surgical technician certificate from a Georgia school, takes at least nine months to achieve. An associate's degree plan for a surgical technician takes 2 years, or 4 semesters, to complete.


When attending college to receive a surgical technician certificate or degree, consider the fact that many schools in Georgia only allow a certain number of students into the program each year. At Lanier Technical college, only 24 students are accepted into the surgical technician program per year.

Gwinett Technical College

Gwinett Technical College, located in Lawrence, Georgia, is one of the nation's top 20 schools for surgical technician programs. They pride themselves on having a 96% job placement rate. According to the school's website, the programs are "focused on workforce development with most offering internships or clinical opportunities that may result in a permanent position."

Gwinett Tech makes college affordable for everyone and offers many options of financial aid. The elite surgical technician program offered can be completed in 5 quarters.

Tags: surgical technician, surgical technician, assist surgeon, associate degree, Brown Makie, Gwinett Technical