Thursday, February 24, 2011

Calculate With A Free Graphing Calculator

Free online graphing calculators are more efficient than traditional graphing methods

There are free graphing calculators online that you can use to calculate solutions to mathematical problems. The basic type of graphing calculators is a mathematical graphing calculator. These calculators let you input a mathematical function and will then calculate and plot the solution. There are two major types of graphing calculators for mathematics: two dimensional and three dimensional. Two-dimensional graphing calculators calculate the solution for equations with two variables and three dimensional calculate the solution for equations with three variables.


1. Write down the equation you want to calculate. Use standard mathematical notation that is required for the calculator: the caret symbol (^) for entering exponents, the forward slash (/) to specify division, the asterisk (*) for multiplication and the minus sign (-) for subtraction. Use parentheses to correctly specify the order of operation.

2. Enter the equation into the graphing calculator's function (equation) text box. Press the "Plot" or "Graph" button.

3. Examine the resulting plot. Use "Zoom in" or "Zoom out" features to fit the calculated graph into the graph display. Use "Pan" features to scroll across different regions of the graph.

4. Determine the x-intercepts -- also know as roots or zeros -- of the equation by noting the points where the graph intersects the x-axis. Determine the y-intercepts of the equation by noting the points where the graphed equation intersects the y-axis. When you plot multiple equations, note the points where one graph intersects another graph. The intersecting points are the solution set of the equations.

Tags: graphing calculators, points where, solution equations, calculate solution, calculate solution equations