Thursday, June 20, 2013

Get Noticed By Popular Kids

When it comes to the social hierarchy of school, the "A" crowd is always the most popular. And while the "A" crowd has little meaning later in life, it's nice to be noticed by the popular kids in a positive way. Here are some tips on get noticed by the popular kids so that you can get the most out of your school experience.


1. Identify the popular kids. This largely depends on how many people are in your class or school. If there are 6000 people in your school, there may be a few sets of popular kids. If your school has 600, that number will be much smaller. They are usually the kids that are the most attractive, outgoing, good at sports, come from money and excel at being "cool." Ask yourself which group of people embody some of those qualities and you've found the popular kids.

2. Befriend one of the members of the popular kids. Within this little clique, there is even another hierarchy of popular. Don't set your sights on the most popular, but find someone who is lower on the totem pole. Someone who doesn't quite get the attention they are craving from the most popular people. Make them your friend. Suddenly you now have your entree into the popular crowd.

3. Learn what you can offer the popular kids that they do not have on their own. If they drive a nice car, have a ton of money, a great girlfriend and are the star of the football team, it may be tough. But every now and then the opportunity presents itself. For instance, if your parents are out of town, offer to throw a party. Be the designated driver to the popular kids if they indulge too much. By becoming value added, you'll become necessary to their inner circle.

4. Get the latest and greatest fad. Within a given school year, there is always the "must-have" item. This may be as simple as a video game or as complicated as the hottest car on the lot. Stay in style by purchasing the latest and greatest. It may mean a few more hours at your after-school job, but it's well worth it.

5. Dress the part to get noticed by the popular kids. Whether you are a boy or girl, having the right clothes can make all the difference. Don't freak out about having to spend thousands on a wardrobe. If you shop at expensive stores, just get a few key pieces that you can mix and match and wear repeatedly. Also, look to buy clothes online or at steep discounts. People don't have to know where you bought them. A label is a label.

6. Define yourself for the popular kids. The people that make the best transition to getting noticed by the popular kids are those who excel at something and are defined by it. Even if it is not "cool," at some point they will have to respect you. Everyone wants to be part of a piece of talent. For instance, playing the piano may not be cool, until you are a rock star. Don't be afraid to show them and show the world what makes you, you. Then suddenly you'll look up one day and realize that you are the popular kid.

Tags: popular kids, popular kids, kids that, most popular, noticed popular kids