Friday, May 24, 2013

Dermatology Medical Schools

Dermatologists prevent, diagnose and treat skin conditions.

Dermatologists are specialized physicians who have received extensive training and education on skin conditions to help prevent, diagnose and treat diseases. Dermatology medical schools prepare students by providing the knowledge and hands-on training that is needed to work in this medical field.

Washington University in St. Louis

The School of Medicine at Washington University's Dermatology department has a three-year residency program that accepts five out of 40 applicants to be new residents each year. The intensive one-on-one training in this program includes instruction in cutaneous and laser surgery, dermatopathology, pediatric dermatology and Mohs, which is a surgical technique used to treat certain types of skin cancer. Research fellowships are available after residency.

Washington University in St. Louis

660 South Euclid

Campus Box 8123

St. Louis, MO 63110


Stanford University

Stanford University has a dermatology residency program that lasts for three years. Throughout the program, residents spend one half-day out of every week following patients in one of the school' s four training Continuity Clinic facilities. Faculty members are available for consultantation and for supervision, dependent upon the resident's training level. The department's Core Curriculum Committee adopts a set curriculum for this three-year program; based on each individual's interests, some flexibility is possible.

Stanford University

450 Broadway

Redwood City, CA 94063


Yale School of Medicine

The dermatology residency program at Yale School of Medicine is one of the most competitive programs in the United States. During their training, residents often become involved in basic sciences and/or clinical research; residents can apply for the research fellowship track, which lasts for four years and consists of two years of clinical dermatology training and two years of research fellowship. Residents in their second and third years primarily give lectures to the Internal Medicine Primary Care Center and the Pediatric Primary Care Center staff.

Yale School of Medicine

333 Cedar Street

New Haven, CT 06520


University of California at San Francisco

The School of Medicine at the University of California in San Francisco offers a residency training program in dermatology that focuses on the development of strong clinical skills in diagnosing and managing dermatologic disease. This residency track lasts for three years while students are rotated through clinical sites to see a wide range of skin diseases. Students may also choose to pursue the four-year track, which is research-intensive and designed for those who are interested in scientific investigation. This track consists of clinical training for two years and laboratory research for two years.

University of California at San Francisco

513 Parnassus Avenue

San Francisco, CA 94143


Tags: School Medicine, California Francisco, residency program, Stanford University, University California, University California Francisco