Monday, August 13, 2012

Usmle Step 1 Advice

The USMLE refers to the United States Medical Licensing Examination. The examination is a three-step test designed to determine your proficiency in the field of science and medicine. Step 1 is a multiple choice test designed to determine your ability to apply basic scientific concepts within the field of medicine. Questions focus on general sciences such as biology and chemistry, and the application of those sciences to medicine. Both the systems of science and medicine and the processes of science and medicine are tested. Preparing can be strenuous and intense.

Begin Preparing Early

The best way to prepare for Step 1 of the USMLE is to begin your preparation early. This doesn't necessarily mean beginning to study for the actual exam early. The exam tests concepts that you learn in science courses in your undergraduate science education and in medical school classes. So, one of the best ways to be prepared for test is to do well in your courses. Pay attention, ask good questions and take careful notes. Absorb the material and review it periodically after the class ends.

You can also begin to prepare for the test by taking the National Board Comprehensive Basic Science Exam every time it is offered by the board. The information tested on this exam is similar to the information tested on the USMLE Step 1 exam, and there is a correlation between scores on the National Board Comprehensive Basic Science Exam and the USMLE exam. Taking this exam can give you a better idea of where you stand and what you need to learn, and can also help keep concepts fresh in your mind.

Get Help

You do not have to study for the USMLE exam alone. Many resources are available to help you study for the exam. Most medical schools, and many private test preparation companies, offer services to help you prepare for the USMLE. A cost is usually associated with those services, but the classes focus on rigorous test preparation and strategies for success. Study guides are also available for purchase if you prefer to study on your own or you don't want to pay the cost of a class. Finally, take advantage of online resources. Alpha Omega Alpha, the Honor Medical School Society, offers a page of resources with links to study guides, and forum discussions where you can discuss the exam with other medical school students.

Understand the Test

The U.S. Medical Licensing Examination has an orientation packet and practice questions available on its website. Two downloadable practice tests are available for Step 1, along with a detailed description of the content tested in Step 1, and instructions for applying. You need to take Step 1 of the USMLE before your third year of medical school, and your application must be submitted in time for you to sit for the exam, so you will also want to visit this website to determine what steps you need to take to ensure you can sit for the exam.

Tags: medical school, science medicine, Basic Science, Basic Science Exam, Board Comprehensive