Accredited Online High Schools
In recent years, the Internet has radically changed the way students learn, with more and more online education options available. For high-school students or those seeking a high-school diploma who cannot regularly attend school in a traditional classroom setting, there are now numerous fully accredited online high schools whose diplomas are recognized by most college admissions offices.
Keystone National High School
According to the school's website, this school began in the 1970s as a home-study credit make-up program, and developed into an online high school by 1999. The school is accredited by the Northwest Association of Accredited Schools. Keystone is licensed as a private school by the State of Pennsylvania. Students can enroll in individual classes to supplement their curriculum or take a full course load toward a diploma. Textbooks are included with the tuition.
Keystone National High School
920 Central Road
Bloomsburg, PA 17815
(570) 784-5220
Christa McAuliffe Academy
This is a fully-accredited online school serving grades K-12 and also offering adult-education, test-prep and make-up courses. It is more expensive than some of the other online options, but each full-time student is paired with a certified teacher/mentor who personally facilitates the student's course progression. Students also have the freedom to choose a particular facilitator. Most textbooks are online as part of the course study, but the school offers a variety of options to fit students' individual needs.
Christa McAuliffe Academy
713 Jadwin Ave., Suite 11
Richland, WA 99352
(509) 388-0717
CompuHigh offers summer school, course make-up and adult courses as well as a full college-prep curriculum under the diploma program of the nationally accredited private Whitmore School. Two tiers of full-time study are offered--the Diploma Program and the Diploma Plus program, the latter being more expensive and including more personal involvement and monitoring by a counselor--as well as individual course study. All curriculum is online, with no textbooks.
515 Wilson Ave.
Morgantown, WV 26501
(866) 859-0777
Penn Foster High School
This nationally accredited program is part of the larger Penn Foster Career Schools and Penn Foster College, which gives high-school students the added advantage of career-focused courses of study and early college courses, which are taken as elective credits and are transferable to college or trade school. In addition, this school's tuition is among the more affordable choices out there, and textbooks and course materials are included in the price.
Penn Foster High School
925 Oak Street
Scranton, PA 18515
(800) 275-4410
Tags: Penn Foster, Accredited Online, Accredited Online High, Christa McAuliffe, Christa McAuliffe Academy, course study, Foster High