Sunday, February 12, 2012

Maintain And Organize Homeschool Records

If you homeschool your kids, you'll need to keep some form of records. Whether mandated by law or needed for college entrance, keeping these records organized is important. Maintain and organize your homeschool records using these tips.


1. Determine what records you need to keep. Some places require complete attendance and academic records, while other places don't require any records. Read the laws to find out what you need for each school year.

2. Write down a list of the records you need to keep. Prioritize these records in order of necessity regarding your local homeschooling laws. Make a chart to help you keep the list organized.

3. Buy helpful software. Search the Internet for computer software that can help organize your school records. There are many free and low-cost software packages available for homeschoolers.

4. Use a file or folder system to organize your school records, especially if you homeschool more than one child. Carefully and neatly label all files. Have a separate file for each type of record and each child.

5. Clean up unnecessary records and clutter. Keep records that are necessary, but throw away records that you no longer need. If you have to keep records for several years, store them in a box or tub. Be sure to label them with the date and identify which records you're saving.

Tags: need keep, organize your, your school records, organize your school, places require