Friday, September 9, 2011

Relax After School Or Work

Yoga and deep breathing are great ways to relax after work or school.

It is common to feel stressed after a long day at school or work. Stress can increase the risk of major illnesses such as obesity, depression and heart disease, according to the American Psychological Association -- making it vital for you to relieve stress after you get home each day. Taking time to relax after work or school helps to improve your emotional health and energize you for the next busy day.


1. Take a hot shower or bath when you get home after school or work. Warm water helps your muscles to relax.

2. Change into your most comfortable clothing once you get out of the shower. Pajamas are an excellent choice, especially if you get home from work late at night.

3. Drink a cup of hot tea or hot chocolate once you get out of the shower. Close your eyes and visualize a peaceful place or setting, like a tropical island or viewing a sunset. suggests using as many senses as you can during visualization to enhance the calming effects. For example, if you visualize a tropical beach, try to imagine the sound of waves crashing on the shoreline.

4. Cook a favorite meal for dinner or order from a good take-out restaurant to enjoy some of your favorite food. Have a glass of wine with dinner if you are in the mood for a drink.

5. Light scented candles before you cook dinner or while waiting for your take-out food to be delivered. Consider filling your kitchen with candles instead of lighting just one or two.

6. Find a funny or romantic movie to watch on television after you finish dinner. Make popcorn or eat frozen yogurt for a change of pace while watching your favorite movie.

Tags: after work, after work school, once shower, relax after, relax after work