There are many accredited colleges in and near Fontana, California.
Students near Fontana, California have a variety of colleges and postsecondary educational institutions from which to choose. Courses of study vary greatly among the colleges and include automotive technology, fashion design, Biblical languages and business administration. In addition to certificate, associate's degree and bachelor's, master's and doctorate degree programs, the educational institutions near Fontana, California offer vocational training and credential courses.
Chaffey College
Certificate programs include digital media, paralegal, journalism, computer information systems, culinary arts and real estate sales.
Chaffey College was accredited in 1952 by the Accrediting Commission for Senior Colleges and Universities, Western Association of Schools and Colleges. The Fontana Campus of Chaffey College opened in 1996.
Chaffey offers certificate and associate's degree programs through its seven schools: the School of Business and Applied Technology; School of Health Sciences; School of Language Arts; School of Mathematics and Science; School of Social and Behavioral Sciences; School of Visual, Performing, and Communication Arts; and School of Instructional Support. Students may earn either an associate’s degree or a certificate in many of the programs of study at Chaffey. Financial aid for qualified students includes grants, loans, scholarships, work-study programs and fee waiver enrollment.
Chaffey College
16855 Merrill Avenue
Fontana, CA 92335
Brandman University
Bachelor's degrees, master’s degrees and doctoral programs are offered in nursing.
Brandman University was accredited in 1956 by the Accrediting Commission for Senior Colleges and Universities, Western Association of Schools and Colleges. Brandman offers an associate’s degree in general education. The university offers bachelor’s degrees in business administration, computing technology, criminal justice, early childhood development, legal studies, liberal studies, organizational leadership, psychology, social science and sociology. Master’s degree programs include business administration, education, human resources, psychology, public administration and special education.
Certificate programs are available in public and non-profit leadership, human resources and judicial administration. Credential programs include education specialist, administrative services, professional reading, school counseling and school psychology. Brandman offers associate’s degrees, bachelor’s degrees, master’s degrees and graduate certificates online. Financial aid for qualified students includes grants, loans and outside scholarships.
Bradman University
3990 Concours
Ontario, CA 91764
San Joaquin Valley College
Graduates of the medical assisting and healthcare management program are certified in CPR and first aid.
San Joaquin Valley College (SJVC) was accredited in 2005 by the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges, Western Association of Schools and Colleges. SJVC offers certificate programs in industrial technology, medical assisting and administrative health care management. Associate's degrees are offered in respiratory therapy, pharmacy technology, dental hygiene, corrections, construction management and business administration.
Graduates of the medical assisting, administrative healthcare management, respiratory therapy, and dental hygiene programs are eligible to take state licensure and national credentialing examinations. Graduates of the medical assisting, administrative healthcare management and pharmacy tech programs also earn Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) certification. Graduates of the pharmacy tech program are eligible to register with the California Board of Pharmacy to become licensed Pharmacy Technicians and are also eligible to take the National Pharmacy Technician Certification Board exam to become Certified Pharmacy Technicians.
San Joaquin Valley College
10641 Church St.
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730
Providence Christian College
Providence is a private, liberal arts Christian college with a student-to-faculty ratio of 4.5 to 1.
Providence Christian College was pre-accredited in 2009 by the Accrediting Commission for Senior Colleges and Universities, Western Association of Schools and Colleges. Majors offered include Bible studies, business administration, communications, elementary education, secondary education, English, history and liberal studies. Students may minor in Biblical studies, Biblical languages, business administration, church education leadership, communication, cultural studies, education, English, history, mathematics, music and social science. All Providence students receive financial aid. The average financial aid package in 2009 was $15,000. The average class size in 2009 was seven.
Providence Christian College
1056 East Philadelphia St.
Ontario, CA 91761-5626
National University
The Ontario campus offers the Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) degree.
The Ontario Campus of National University offers programs through its School of Business and Management, School of Education and College of Letters and Science. The School of Business offers a bachelor's and master's degree program. The College of Letters and Sciences offers an Associate of Arts degree, an Associate of Science in health science and pre-nursing, and a Bachelor of Arts degree in interdisciplinary studies. The School of Education offers credentials, certification and master’s programs in education and teaching. Financial aid is available in the form of grants, loans and scholarships
National University
Ontario Campus
3800 E. Concours Drive
Suite 150
Ontario, CA 91764
Tags: business administration, Accrediting Commission, Association Schools, Association Schools Colleges, Chaffey College, Fontana California