Friday, July 9, 2010

What Kind Of Training And Education Are Needed To Become A Cop

The formal education requirements to become a law-enforcement officer vary by geographical area. But overall, those requirements are increasing in number and becoming more involved.


Big cities now typically require a bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice. Some smaller cities may only require a high-school diploma; however, these communities are often changing their requirements to involve more study.


Future police officers must study criminal investigation, criminal law, administration, corrections, community relations and criminal justice. Usually, additional training will be provided after hiring.


It is also helpful to study or have a background in computers, accounting, business, weapons, driving skills and any foreign language.


Potential police officers should be in excellent physical condition and health. They must be strong and have good coordination and eyesight.


Police officers must be competent decision-makers and have solid communication skills and excellent judgment.

Expert Insight

Law-enforcement officers need to be able to write concise reports containing detailed information that can be used in court hearings.

Tags: officers must, police officers