Thursday, December 17, 2009

Dissect A Mink

Dissection is a typical skill taught in high school anatomy class to familiarize students with how organisms work. Although wracked with controversy, dissection is a useful tool for hands-on learning. Learn properly dissect a mink to gain knowledge of anatomy.


1. Realize that laboratory exercises enforce the information you learn in lectures and offer the opportunity to put into action the skills you've been taught. The anatomy of the mink is similar to that of a human being, hence the reason mink dissection is common in biology and anatomy classes.

2. Know that there are three basic elements needed to successfully dissect a mink. The ability to locate the proper anatomical parts, label the parts correctly and an understanding of how the parts function individually and with other organs or muscles.

3. Prepare the instruments you need to dissect a mink. Basic tools like a dissecting pan and pins, sharp scalpels, scissors, forceps, goggles and gloves are common.

4. Make labels using paper and coat them in wax to withstand the oily secretions of the mink. Make enough labels to identify all parts that your instructor wishes you to know. Thread the labels with wax-coated string so you can pin or tie the labels to the appropriate mink parts.

5. Begin to dissect your mink by placing the mink on its back in the dissecting pan. Using string and pins, expose the stomach area of the mink by tying the appendages with sting and pinning them to the dissecting tray.

6. Use a sharp scalpel to make an incision from the lower neck down to where the legs meet. Use forceps to carefully open up the mink and expose the thoracic organs. Identify organs and muscles according to the directions given by your instructor.

Tags: dissect mink, organs muscles, your instructor