Friday, November 15, 2013

Get A Job While In Medical School

When you begin medical school, you'll quickly realize that it's nothing like your previous education; medical school is extremely difficult and time-consuming. While you can look forward the money you'll make when you get out, you may also need to support yourself or others financially while you're in medical school. Holding down a job won't be easy, but if you're not completely overwhelmed by the amount of material you will study, it is possible.


1. Ask the medical school admissions office if you're allowed to apply for a job while in medical school. Certain medical schools prohibit students from applying for jobs while in school unless special circumstances apply, such as the need to financially support a child.

2. Work through medical school for two to four months. During that time you'll experience how difficult medical school is and determine whether or not you'll have time to get a job. Some students find that while medical school is difficult, holding down a job is possible, while other students would not be able to do justice to both their jobs and their studies.

3. Apply for part-time jobs and speak to the manager when you submit your application. Tell him that you are a medical school student and you're always busy, but you would like to work a certain number of hours each week. Try to work no more than 20.

Tags: medical school, while medical, while medical school