Monday, October 21, 2013

What Do You Need To Go To Nursing School

Nursing school is a type of educational institution providing education and training to become a fully-qualified and accredited nurse. Before beginning the prerequisites to enter nursing school, one must obtain a high school diploma or GED.


Nursing school requires you to make your payment in full at the time of enrollment, or apply for a payment plan. If you did not have money set aside for college, you have the option of applying for financial aide at the school you are going to register at, or applying for a grant through the government website


Before applying to nursing school, you must complete your prerequisites. The electives vary in each state but the main courses that are mandatory in each state are Anatomy and Physiology I and II, Microbiology, College Algebra and English Composition. To determine which electives you must take, you will need to contact the college you will be attending.

Type of Nurse

To obtain a degree as a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN), a Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN), or a Registered Nurse (RN), you must obtain an Associate's Degree in Nursing by taking some or all of the following classes; Biology, Nursing Skills, Human Anatomy, Physiology, Nutrition, Pharmacology, Psychology, and Pediatrics.

Text Books

You will need to purchase the following textbooks for the first year of Nursing School; Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Mosby's Medical, Nursing & Allied Health Dictionary, Mosby's Manual of Diagnostic and Laboratory Tests, Nursing Intervention Classification, and Nursing Outcomes Classifications.


To begin Nursing School you will need the following medical supplies; scrubs, stethoscope, pen light, bandages, scissors, and a skills kit that includes a BP cuff, thermometer, pen light, syringes, gloves, IV supplies, urinary catheter and normal saline. Most of these supplies can be found at your local nursing store.

Tags: will need, Anatomy Physiology, each state, must obtain, Nursing School