Monday, October 14, 2013

Go To College For Free And Make Money By Going

Old Main at USU where I attend for free

Do you think that you can't afford to go to College? Well think again! I will give you great tips on go to College for free and even make money by going!


1. The easiest and best way to get money for College is through the government. You can get grants and cheap loans through them. Go to and fill out an online form. The sooner the better! I was able to cover all of my tuition and fees from the grants alone. I will not have to pay this back!

2. Sign up for as many scholarships as you can. It takes a little time but will pay off. I applied for two scholarships at my College and received one $1400 scholarship. Go to your schools webpage and search for scholarships.

3. Apply for additional scholarships on websites such as and These are great ways to find hundreds of scholarships in your field of study.

4. If you are worried about paying for rent, become a resident assistant for on-campus living. Many colleges provide free rent for the assistants.

5. Go to your financial aid office. They can supply you with additional information that is specific to your college. Follow these steps and I will guarantee that you will be able to afford College. Good Luck!

Tags: afford College