Friday, January 18, 2013

Save 10 Easy Ways To Save Money At Home

Find Easy Ways To Save Money At Home

We are all looking for ways to save money these days. Discover 10 easy ways to save money at home, without the hassle.

Learning save money at home is not as hard as you may think.


1. Save money when you buy groceries.

Buy meat in large quantities and split up a large pack of chicken, ground beef, or turkey for several meals. Properly wrap and store in the freezer. You will discover that it really doesn't take that much meat for a family meal.

2. Eliminate soft drinks.

Convenience stores charges upwards of a dollar and a half, and larger quantities are no better. Buy a five pound bag of sugar and make tea, Kool-aid, or drink water. This can save a lot of money at home.

3. Save electricity. Try turning off the lights in rooms that no one is in. This can save several dollars on a electric bill. Turn off computers, televisions, and anything else using electricity, when not in use.

4. Use what's in the freezer. Many people store and store, yet never use.

Get out the vegetables from the garden or the deer meat. Try and use something from the freezer in every meal. This way, you are not raiding the freezer, but using stored food a little along to save money at home.

5. Cook rice or noodles often. Rice or noodles can go with or in a lot of meals:

Noodle Soup

Red Beans and Rice

Macaroni and Cheese

Noodles and Spaghetti Sauce

6. Wash full loads of clothes.

An additional way to save money at home is when you wash clothes. Wash one large load, instead of 2 small loads. This saves on water.

A lot of us are guilty of washing 3-4 items, 3-4 times a day. This wastes water and you can save money at home, at least a couple of dollars a month, by washing a larger load.

7. Cook larger meals and use the leftovers. You can save money at home by taking last nights supper to work tomorrow.

Also, have a meal of leftovers, instead of leaving it in the fridge to ruin.

8. Pay off one credit card that's just looming.

Do this especially if it's a small amount. Interest rates are almost as much as the minimum payments. This can save you upwards of $15.00 month.

9. Pay bills on time. This is a great way to save money, even if only a couple of dollars.

Companies that have electricity, water, gas, and phone offer one amount before a certain date (usually the beginning of the month) and another amount after a certain date. Use this to save $15.00 - $30.00 a month, just by paying bills on time.

10. Stay home. If you not going, you're not spending. At home, your not spending money. It's free there.

Tags: money home, save money, save money home, save money, bills time, certain date