Friday, October 7, 2011

Watch Internet Tv

Felicia Day's series "The Guild" is available online.

Even if you have no cable service, you can still enjoy new episodes of your favorite shows from broadcasting networks. Free video sites also provide streaming content, so you can rewatch classics without turning on your TV, while indie shows abound on sites such as YouTube. If free sources don't provide the entertainment you seek, consider a subscription to a video service that allows you to watch TV from your computer or mobile device, which you might find more cost-effective than signing up with the local cable company. A high-speed Internet connection is necessary to allow seamless streaming, however.


1. Open the website for the station in your browser to watch full episodes. For example, CBS provides full episodes just a day after they appear on air, while Comedy Central also lets you watch full episodes. Look for a "Watch" or "Episode" link for TV shows.

2. Visit "" in your browser to view free television online. The "TV" link shows categories and popular shows. Hover over any episode screen capture to see the "Play" button.

3. Go to "" to view Sony's television and movie offerings including "Married with Children" and "Seinfeld." Click any banner or cover to load the first video in the queue.

4. Subscribe to a service such as Netflix, Amazon Video or Hulu Plus to watch streaming TV and movies from your browser, phone or tablet.

5. Watch Web series such as "The Guild," "Ruth & Erica" and "Dating Rules from My Future Self" on YouTube.

Tags: full episodes, your browser, from your, link shows, watch full, watch full episodes