Monday, October 31, 2011

Nurse Anesthetist Schools In Florida

The nurse anesthetist is usually the person administering anesthesia in an operating room.

A nurse anesthetist must hold an advanced degree in nursing with a concentration in anesthesia. In Florida, this degree is earned through a master's degree in nursing (MSN) program available at both private and public colleges. A prerequisite for all programs is that you hold a current license as a registered nurse or be eligible for licensure under Florida law.

Florida Gulf Coast University

FGCU requires that applicants hold a bachelor's degree in nursing (BSN) or a degree in a related science field. The school may require additional coursework for applicants who do not have the required background in science. FGCU also requires at least one year of experience as a nurse in a critical care field. The full-time program is 81 semester hours in length and consists of extensive coursework in anatomy and physiology, anesthesia and pharmacology as well as clinical practica. As a school in the statewide public university system, tuition rates are affordable.

Florida Gulf Coast University

10501 FGCU Blvd, S.

Fort Myers, FL 33965-6565


Barry University

Barry University also requires that applicants have a BSN or a bachelor's degree in a science as well as a year of hands-on nursing experience in a critical care unit. The applicant must also have current certifications in advanced life support (BLS, ACLS and PALS). Prospective students should have earned a B in a chemistry class within the last five years, preferably organic chemistry or biochemistry, and a science course that involves math, such as physics. This full-time program consists of 51 credit hours; students may opt to take some classes on a part-time schedule before starting the program to lighten their course load. Students may complete practica at a multitude of hospital facilities across Florida. Since this is a private school, tuition rates are higher.

Barry University

11300 NE 2nd Avenue

Miami Shores, FL 33161-6695


University of North Florida

The 92-credit nurse anesthetist program at UNF requires seven semesters of continuous study. It is a full-time program, consuming about 60 hours of a student's week. As of June 2010, the entire program at this public school costs approximately $30,000. Again, applicants must have a BSN and a minimum of one year of experience in acute care. Registered nurses who don't have a BSN may qualify for the MSN bridge program.

University of North Florida

1 UNF Drive

Jacksonville, FL 32224


Tags: degree nursing, full-time program, also requires, applicants have, bachelor degree, Barry University, Coast University