Friday, September 2, 2011

Have Alcoholfree Fun At College

Many college campuses are sponsoring alcohol-free events or offering incentives for students to refrain from drinking. This makes it easier for students to make friends and network at social events without having to drink. Here's your quick guide for enjoying alcohol-free fun on your campus.


1. Become aware of campus-sponsored events that explicitly promote alcohol-free fun. Such events are likely listed on the school calendar, advertised on campus or promoted by Student Affairs.

2. Find out about other fun events taking place on campus that have a are alcohol-free . Examples include film screenings, block parties, theater and dance performances, recreational sports, organized outdoor activities, concerts and guest speaker presentations.

3. Involve yourself with student organizations that promote a certain cause or altruistic aim. When you stay busy on and off campus with volunteering you can also make friends with whom you share substantive interests.

4. Frequent bars and concert venues that allow patrons under the age of 21. Go to bars with your friends where there is live music or some other attraction besides alcohol so that you can still have fun while not drinking.

5. Host parties or events where, even if you don't make them explicitly alcohol-free, you don't provide alcohol. Make fun alcohol-free beverages instead, like punch or frozen drinks. You might choose to allow friends to bring alcoholic drinks, but by providing non-alcoholic beverages you can keep the pressure to drink very low.

6. Don't be afraid to go to a party where there will be alcohol and not drink. It can be a good idea, though, to go with another friend who doesn't want to drink or as a designated driver so that it is easy for you to refuse alcohol.

7. Remain confident and comfortable with your own decisions. You don't have to change your entire college campus to have fun yourself without alcohol. As long as you are comfortable with the social events you choose to participate in, you can have alcohol-free fun.

Tags: comfortable with, have alcohol-free, make friends, social events, where there, with your