Wednesday, September 8, 2010

What Are Clep Tests

CLEP tests can provide college credits for knowledge you acquired independently.

The College Level Examination Program, or CLEP, exams provide a cost-effective way for students to receive college credits for knowledge gained outside of their college experience. The exams are priced at $77 and are administered by the College Board at more than 1,400 colleges and universities. As of this writing there are 33 separate exams covering five subjects areas.

Advantages of CLEP Tests

Each CLEP exam that is successfully passed can provide from three to 12 semester hours of credit. At the $77 price tag, these credits can be achieved for far less then the cost of tuition for classes. Additionally, students can realize a significant time savings by successfully completing CLEP examinations and eliminating the need to complete low-level college courses.

Composition and Literature

In the area of composition and literature there are five separate tests that can be taken. These include American literature, analyzing and interpreting literature, college composition & college composition modular, English literature and humanities. Each exam is primarily multiple choice with some short essay segments.

World Languages

World language exams are available for French, German and Spanish. Each exam averages 120 questions and must be completed in 90 minutes. Each of the exams tests the student's ability to understand both the spoken and written language.

History and Social Sciences

The history and social sciences area offers 12 exams spanning a number of different topics. Among the tests offered are American government, history of the United States I: early colonization to 1877, history of the United States II: 1865 to the present, human growth and development, introduction to educational psychology, introductory psychology, social sciences and history, introductory sociology, principles of macroeconomics, principles of microeconomics, Western civilization I: Ancient Near East to 1648, and Western civilization II: 1648 to the present. Each of the exams contains approximately 120 questions and must be completed in 90 minutes.

Science and Mathematics

The science and mathematics exams include biology, chemistry, natural sciences, college mathematics, college algebra, precalculus and calculus. The exact number of questions in each exam varies depending on subject matter. Each exam must be completed in 90 minutes.


There are five exams available covering business topics. They include financial accounting, intro to business law, info systems & computer applications, principles of management, and principles of marketing business. The total number of questions varies from subject to subject. Each exam must be completed within 90 minutes.

CLEP Scoring

After the exams are completed they are given a score of from 20 to 80 points. The American Council on Education provides recommendations on the point level necessary for credit to be granted. However, each college and university is allowed to set its own standards for determining if a score is sufficient for receiving credit for any given test. A chart containing the ACE recommended point levels is available at the College Board website.

Tags: must completed, completed minutes, Each exam, must completed minutes, College Board, college composition, college credits