Certified nursing assistants provide patient care by assisting registered nurses and other licensed nurses. Qualifications for certified nursing assistants include a high school diploma and certified nursing classes through community colleges, medical facilities, the Red Cross, or vocational schools. Its helpful to have a background in science but that is not required. Certified nursing assistants must register with their state certified nursing assistant registry. Getting a copy of your certified nursing certificate is a relatively simple task.
Obtaining Your Copy
1. Find your state nurse aide registry. This agency will be the same place in which you originally registered your certified nursing certificate. The North Carolina Division of Health Service Regulation website has a list of agencies for all 50 states and the District of Columbia.
2. Determine the requirements for obtaining your copy. Read the agency's website to get a feel for the best way to request your copy. Some states may allow you to order it online, through the mail or over the telephone. Other states require you to physically go to the agency to request a copy in person.
3. Request your copy of your certified nursing certificate. The actual request will probably involve some way to verify your identity. Be sure to have copies of your driver's license or another government-issued identification card. Its helpful to have your Social Security number or certificate number.
4. Pay the agency's fees. Your request will not be complete until you pay the fee associated with the request. Fees vary from state to state as do the method of payment.
Tags: certified nursing, certified nursing certificate, nursing assistants, nursing certificate, your certified