Thursday, January 14, 2010

Pfi School Projects

Private Finance Initiative projects fund many new school buildings.

The United Kingdom's "Building Schools for the Future" program intends to improve student achievement scores while updating or replacing deteriorating primary and secondary school buildings with new facilities. Many local authorities have used Private Finance Initiatives to finance the projects. In PFI school projects, developers construct and own the school buildings and lease them to local authorities.


A grouped PFI project of $46.4 million rebuilt or replaced outdated buildings at Chapel-en-le-Frith and Tupton Hall Secondary School. Students with special education needs have places in an integrated facility at Chapel-en-le-Firth. These projects became operational in 2003.

East Sussex

A $30.4 million PFI project in East Sussex included renovation of four infant/primary schools and construction of a new secondary school in Peacehaven, with occupancy of the new facilities in January 2002.

East Riding of Yorkshire

A $41.6 million PFI contract in Bridlington included consolidation of two secondary schools into a refurbished and renovated building, and renovation of four primary schools. These schools opened in 2003.


In 2005, Bishops Park College in Clackton-on-Sea opened a new $32 million facility designed to serve 900 students. Despite joining with Colbayns High School in September 2008, Bishops Park College closed at the end of 2009. Reasons for the closure included low enrollment at half the projected number and low achievement scores on standardized tests.

Kent County Schools

Kent County used a $131.2 million PFI contract with the intent of replacing 85 percent of its schools with new buildings. School status as of December 2007 included Aylesford School Sports College near Maidstone fully open, Ellington School for Girls in Ramsgate open, Holmesdale Technology College in Snodland completed with occupancy anticipated in 2008, Hugh Christie Technology College in Tonbridge fully open, The Malling School in East Malling completed with occupancy in 2008 and the North School in Ashford due for completion at the end of 2007.


Completed in 1999, the $7 million Lewisham PFI project included kitchen renovations and provision of catering by Chartwells, a private company contracted to provide meals, catering and meal deliveries.


A $5.9 million PFI project included construction of a replacement primary school in the Cheetham Hill area of Manchester and the release of land for development, with completion accomplished in 2001.


East Brighton College of Media Arts closed in 2007, resulting in a $7.2 million payment by the local Brighton authority to dissolve the PFI contract.


In Belfast, the local council will pay $590,000 per year until 2027 on its PFI contract for Balmoral High School in Belfast, which closed in 2007.

Tags: school buildings, with occupancy, achievement scores, Bishops Park, Bishops Park College