Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Win A Spelling Bee

After hours of studying and preparing for a spelling bee, it's important to know what rules to abide by while actually at the competition. Knowing and abiding by the rules can definitely put someone on track to ultimately win the spelling bee. This increasingly popular educational sport can prove to be both profitable and entertaining.


1. Visit the official spelling bee website to register for the competition in your local area. This website also gives information on start one if there is not one available and ask for sponsorship.

2. Pick up the suggested material to study with and spend hours studying well in advance to try and win the spelling bee. Don't procrastinate. This information can be found on the official national spelling bee website.

3. Learn spell words in a timely fashion. Participants get about 2 1/2 minutes to spell a word.

4. Know the origins of words. It can be the difference between words ending in "isk" for an Anglo-Greek word or "esk" if it's Swahili. Picking up "Merriam-Webster's A Dictionary of Prefixes, Suffixes, and Combining Forms" from a local bookstore or online will help you with this step.

5. Have the judge to use the word in a sentence or provide the definition and origin, if unsure of the context the word is being used in during the spelling bee.

6. Ask for permission to start over. If you start to stammer while spelling a word, it may be helpful to begin again. Do not change the order of the letters that have already been spoken out loud.

7. Be aware that there will be camera crews and media at the National Spelling Bee, as well as some local events, but staying focused can help anyone succeed in winning the title.

Tags: hours studying, spelling website