Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Scholarships For Sophomores & Juniors In High School

Some scholarships can help students prepare for college before graduation.

As students prepare for college, they face the inevitable difficulty of financing their higher education. Thousands of scholarships are available through countless resources, but most of these scholarships benefit high school seniors or those already in college. Students looking to earn money for school in their sophomore or junior years of high school have more limited options, but there are scholarships available.

Ayn Rand Essay Contests

The Ayn Rand Institute, founded on the works of the author and philosopher, supports a number of essay contests that benefit high school sophomores and juniors. The "Anthem" essay contest is open to eighth-graders and high school freshmen and sophomores. Entrants read Rand's "Anthem" and respond to one of three topics regarding the philosophical statements made in the novel. First prize for the contest receives $2,000. Five second-place winners receive $500 each, 10 third-place winners each receive $200, 45 finalists receive $50 each, and 175 semifinalists receive $30 each.

The second essay contest, based on Rand's "The Fountainhead," is open to high school juniors and seniors. Like the previous contest, students are expected to read the work and respond to one of three topic choices. First prize for the contest receives $10,000. Five second-place winners receive $2,000 each, 10 third-place winners each receive $1,000, 45 finalists receive $100 each, and 175 semifinalists receive $50 each.

In both essays judges look for clear and articulate writing, organization and thoughtful content. Any works of plagiarism will be immediately disqualified.

The Ayn Rand Institute

P.O. Box 57044

Irvine, CA 92619-7044

949-222-6550 ext. 247


Discover Scholarship Program

The Discover Scholarship Program reaches out to high school juniors to provide funds for education and training beyond high school. High school juniors with a cumulative grade point average of 2.75 or higher are eligible to apply for the grant. Student community service and leadership capabilities are examined to determine winners for this contest. The program distributes as much as $400,000 each year; as many as 10 scholarships are available, and each can be as much as $40,000. Scholarship funds are valid for any post-secondary training, including certifications, licenses, college degrees or trade and technical education.

Discover Financial Services

P.O. Box 30943

Salt Lake City, UT 84130-0943



Chi-Gems Art and Poetry Scholarships

Chi-Gems Inc., an arts foundation, provides high school students the opportunity to win money with their art. The scholarship program is open to high school students grades nine through 12 with a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0. The program provides six $250 scholarships per year to students who submit essays and artwork. Essays must contain between 250 and 500 words and reflect why the student believes he or she deserves the award. Essays can be need-based (why do your financial needs dictate that you deserve the award?) or merit-based (why has your contributions to your community made you deserving of the award?). Students must also submit artwork, which can include either physical art or poetry. Poetry is limited to 100 words.

Chi-Gems Inc.

25101 La Jolla Way

Laguna Niguel, CA 92677



Tags: receive each, high school, high school, scholarships available, school juniors, benefit high, benefit high school