Friday, October 30, 2009

Pick A Transfer College

Picking a transfer college can be a huge undertaking. You need to find a school that is affordable, will accept your credits and has the program you want. With a little homework, though, you can easily find the perfect school for you.


1. Find out your current school’s accreditation. You likely considered this when you picked your current college. Most regionally accredited colleges and universities only accept credits from other regionally accredited institutions. Even if your school is accredited, if it does not have the right accreditation, your credits will not transfer. Once you know your school's accreditation, start looking at schools that accept it.

2. Determine which schools your current college has transfer agreements with. Your current school should list transfer agreements. If you attend a community college, the school may have articulation agreements with four-year institutions. This guarantees that certain classes will transfer into your new school. In some cases, entire associate's degrees will transfer into the new school, letting you start as a junior.

3. Determine which schools have programs that interest you. Your transfer school should have a high-quality program with a high job placement rate.

4. Speak with an admissions adviser at your potential transfer college, especially if your school does not have a transfer agreement with the institution. Learn what coursework the new school will and will not accept. This school may transfer in your current school’s math 101 course, for example, but your new program may require a different math course. Get a curriculum listing to ensure you are taking the right classes.

5. Determine the costs. Many times, tuition is just the start of college costs. Even your current school has additional fees beyond the base tuition. Find out how much you must pay per credit hour, the standard fees, parking fees and any other additional costs that might come in to play.

6. Go over the particulars of the transfer process with an adviser, including rules, policies and deadlines. Learn the deadline for your application as well as any financial aid deadlines.

Tags: your current, current school, your school, will transfer, agreements with, current college, Determine which