Auto repair courses often are offered at vocational schools.
Vocational schools give students the opportunity to learn technical skills they can use to earn income. Some vocational schools let high school students gain vocational training while earning high school credit. Many adults who are changing careers or who simply want to sharpen their skills also seek training at a vocational school. A few schools in Orange County, Florida provide vocational education opportunities for students.
Orlando Tech
Orlando Tech is a vocational college in downtown Orlando that offers 18 programs leading to associate (two-year) degrees, including 3-D animation, digital video, accounting, medical assistant, culinary operations, education and nursing. The college also offers GED prep courses, adult English literacy courses for students learning English, and vocational preparatory instruction (VPI).
Orlando Tech
301 West Amelia Street
Orlando, FL 32801
Winter Park Tech
Winter Park Tech in Winter Park, Florida, offers technical programs leading to associate degrees in business, information technology, arts and design, and health services. Winter Park Tech also offers 22 career certificate programs to adults and high schools students. These programs help students prepare for the work force and for the careers of their choice.
Winter Park Tech
901 West Webster Avenue
Winter Park, FL 32789
International Academy of Design and Technology
The International Academy of Design and Technology (IADT) in Orlando, Florida, offers associates (two-year) and bachelors (four year) degree programs in career-based fields including marketing, fashion design, game design and computer graphics. IADT incorporates hands-on training into the curriculum.
International Academy of Design and Technology
6039 South Rio Grande Ave
Orlando, FL 32809
Tags: Winter Park, Park Tech, Winter Park Tech, Academy Design, Academy Design Technology, Design Technology, International Academy