Friday, September 13, 2013

Study For A Home Economics Exam

Good home economics sets you apart from most people in your neighborhood. It's not just another class you have to study for. Get as much as you can out of the home economics class in order to take care of yourself when you're on your own. A nice orderly home and well-prepared meals makes the difference between living well and living sloppily. Read on to learn more.


1. Start studying for your home economics exam at the beginning of the course. Read your home economics book from cover to cover. Purchase a "For Dummies" version if you're not issued a book. Take notes during class and study these notes every night.

2. Do the exercises during class; complete the exercises at home. Take every opportunity possible to do related activity at your home. Volunteer to balance the checks, go shopping, sew dresses, cook meals and make desserts as these opportunities present themselves. Continue studying your notes on a daily basis.

3. Read your home economics text from cover to cover during the weekend before your exam. Reading your notes every day over the semester makes reading the book quick and easy. Get practical experience in projects you feel you're weak in.

4. Let your subconscious sort through and retrieve information your studies inputted into your memory banks. Before answering your first question, read through all the questions as well as their options. Go back to the first question with a more relaxed posture. Let your subconscious work the answers to the entire test as you work your way from the first question.

Tags: your home, first question, home economics, your home economics, cover cover, during class, from cover