Monday, June 11, 2012

List Of Accredited Online Schools

Check an online school's accreditation before enrolling.

When you're evaluating the next step in your educational path, whether it is a bachelor's, master's or even a doctoral program, you want to make sure you're enrolling in a reputable school. Before enrolling, check your intended school's accreditation. Accreditation is an ongoing process that ensures that schools are providing quality facilities, resources and faculty for their students.

Minnesota School of Business

Earn a degree online from the Minnesota School of Business even if you live thousands of miles away through the school's Globe University. Globe has received accreditation from the Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools for its programs, which include associate degrees (cosmetology, criminal justice, massage therapy, paralegal, game design); bachelor's degrees (accounting, nursing, media business, paralegal, veterinary technology, business administration); and master's degrees (master of business administration, master of management). Globe also offers short-term certificates and diplomas.

Each program has its own requirements, but Globe offers credits for prior college and work experience, plus the opportunity for high school seniors to take a free class online each quarter. Because the programs are completed online, students must prepare their workspaces with an Internet connection (high speed is recommended), Microsoft Office, Internet explorer and e-mail. Globe's programs require Pentium PCs; they are not compatible with Mac operating systems.

Minnesota School of Business

Globe University

4955 Bullis Farm Road

Eau Claire, WI 54701


University of Illinois

Students have many opportunities for online learning from the University of Illinois' online degree programs. Students just starting their studies may be interested in bachelor's programs such as philosophy and religion, computer and information sciences, mathematics, liberal arts and business management. The university also offers master's degrees in fields such as agricultural sciences, conservation and renewable natural resources, education, public administration, library science and engineering. Certificates and continuing education programs are also available.

The university is accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. Each degree program has enrollment requirements; for example, a bachelor's degree in the same field as the candidate's preferred master's degree program and letters of recommendation. All students will require a high-speed Internet connection, a minimum 500 MHz processor, speakers, 128 MB RAM, audio card, Windows Media Player and Adobe Acrobat.

University of Illinois

1308 W. Green St.

Urbana, IL 61801


Capella University

Accredited by the The Higher Learning Commission, Capella offers bachelor's programs (information assurance and security, general psychology, retail management, homeland security, criminal justice); master's degrees (network architecture, nurse educator, gerontology, instructional design, health policy, clinical psychology); and doctorates (accounting, information technology, health care leadership, finance, business intelligence, human resource management). Certificates and education specializations are also available.

Admission requirements and enrollment materials vary by degree. Students must have an Internet connection (high-speed recommended), minimum 20 GB of hard disk space, e-mail, video card, speakers, sound card, Media Player, Acrobat, Flash Player, Java, Microsoft Office, minimum 512 MB RAM and minimum 1 GHz processor.

Capella University

225 S. 6th St., 9th Floor

Minneapolis, MN 55402


Tags: Internet connection, master degrees, Minnesota School, Minnesota School Business, School Business