Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Write A Good Mystery Story

A good mystery story should include a mixture of clues and red herrings.

Writing a good mystery story can be extremely challenging. As a writer you must develop the plot, place intriguing clues and keep track of those clues to allow your story to unfold logically. Other elements such as suspense and the use of red herrings can further improve your mystery story. By incorporating a few simple tips, you can be on your way to writing a truly spooky mystery.


1. Step inside your character's mind. Begin by establishing the basics: who your main character is and what her personality is like. Once you have done this, place yourself in her shoes and ask yourself, "What will I do now?" Stepping into your character's mind will help you find realistic solutions to the problems presented in your plot, making your character's thoughts and actions more believable.

2. Know how your story will end before you start to write it. To avoid going off track, or becoming stuck with your story, you should plan it out before you begin. Think about key events that will help the story progress. Incorporate a list of clues into your plan, then ask yourself, "When will your character discover these clues?" and, "Where will they take her?" Check that it all works together to progress the plot in a logical manner.

3. Include a number of minor characters. Minor characters constitute an important aspect of a good mystery story. They could be friends who help the main character solve the mystery, a colleague, or someone who exposes the main character's weaknesses. They help add layers of depth to the story, making it more interesting and compelling.

4. Surprise your audience. Plant a few "red herrings" in your mystery story: clues or ideas designed to make the audience suspect the wrong character or come to the wrong solution. They make your mystery harder to solve and get the reader's mind working. Try using a red herring to cover up the real clue to challenge the reader.

5. Build suspense. One of the most important ingredients of a good mystery story is the element of suspense. This makes the story exciting, allows your characters to be scared in unnerving situations, and conveys their fear to the audience. This will help your readers identify with the character but it will also add another dimension to the story.

Tags: mystery story, your character, good mystery, good mystery story, main character, will help, your mystery