Monday, April 2, 2012

Write A Formal Letter Of Complaint

A letter of complaint can be a necessary in certain situations.

In certain situations at your job, you might have something that you need to complain about. For important or significant complaints, you should write a formal letter. This leaves a record of your grievance and makes it more likely that something will be done. Another circumstance where a letter of complaint might be necessary is when a company you are dealing with did not fulfill its end of an agreement, such as if you were sent a damaged product.


1. Add your name and contact information to the top of the letter of complaint, as well as the contact information for the company and any specific people you are addressing. This makes the letter more formal and easier for someone to get back in touch with you.

2. Start the formal letter of complaint with a clear explanation of your grievance. Include all parties involved in this first section.

3. Explain the nature of your problem in more detail in the next section. Include specific information, such as dates, times and conversations that took place.

4. Outline what you have done to attempt to fix the problem prior to writing the formal letter of complaint. This might include contacting various departments within the company or leaving phone messages. Do not worry if you are repeating information. Outlining the time line of events is very important.

5. Give a specific call to action. Let the person or department you are writing to know exactly what you want to happen. For example, if you were sent a defective product, let the company know that you would like a replacement product. If you are being harassed at work, let your company know that you would like the person who is harassing you to be disciplined.

6. State your contact information again in the final paragraph and ask the person or company to contact you within a certain time regarding an update or more information on the matter. End by signing your name.

Tags: letter complaint, contact information, certain situations, company know, company know that, formal letter, formal letter complaint