Friday, August 13, 2010

Select An Education Thesis Topic

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To earn a master's in education, you must write a thesis, a complex research paper that is argumentative in nature and contains synthesized information from an assortment of sources that you use to craft and support your argument. Completing a thesis is often an arduous task. It will be much less taxing, however, if you take time to carefully consider your topic before researching and writing.


1. Obviously, you must pick a topic that is relevant to education. Also make your topic as specific to the area of education that you are specializing in, so you will start off with the most background knowledge possible.

2. Write your thesis on a topic about which you are passionate. You will enjoy writing it much more this way. Don't select a hot-button topic or one that you think you will be able to find loads of information about if you are not also genuinely enthused by the subject.

3. Avoid topics that are too broad. If you decide to take a position on "special education," for example, you will likely end up filling your paper with generic rambling instead of providing solid data and facts. You can't possibly address all aspects of this area adequately, leading either to an excessivley lengthy composition or a poor grade. Much better would be to narrow the thesis down, writing about the role of a certain theory of child development in special ed, for example.

4. Avoid topics that are too specific. Just as you want to avoid overly broad topics, you also need to steer clear of topics whose specificity makes it impossible to compose a paper of the required length. Topics such as "learning metaphors in fifth grade" are far too specific, and you'l have an impossible time finding enough information for a full-length thesis.

5. Search for research before selecting your topic. Before committing yourself to one topic, peruse the available data. Often, topics that you expect will be easy to research prove to be challenging and vice versa. Do not marry yourself to a topic before ensuring that you can find enough research from an array of reputable sources that supports your argument.

6. Try to keep your topic current. Consider the latest trends in education. This will give your thesis more relevance; few people are interested in reading about antiquated educational techniques. Pay attention to educational publications and education news. If something you see mentioned piques your interest, consider making it the focus of your thesis research.

Tags: your topic, topics that, your thesis, Avoid topics, Avoid topics that, sources that, topic before