Example of a Christian Survival Kit Label
Survival kits are fun ways to show someone you are thinking about them and that you care. Listed below are three separate survival kits with a Christian theme. Basic instructions for assembling a Christian Survival Kit includes simply adding all of the items in each list into a basket or a clean jar and attach the list, along with each item's meaning on the outside. You can be as creative as you want!
Scripture Survival Kit
1. Toothpick: To remember to pick out the good in others. Matthew 7:1.
Rubber Band: To remember to be flexible. Romans 8:28.
2. Band-Aid: To remember to mend hurt feelings. Colossians 3:12-14.
Pencil: To remember to list your blessings daily. Ephesians 1:3.
3. Butterfinger Candy Bar: Because we all slip sometimes, and it's okay. Genesis 50:15-21.
Stick of Gum: So you can stick to it. With God you can accomplish anything. Philippians 4:13.
4. Button: To remember to button your lip when needed. 1 Peter 3:10.
Life Saver: To remember that the Lord is there to help. Psalm 46:1.
5. Peppermint Patty: To remind you that you are worth a mint to others. John 3:16-17.
Hershey's Hugs & Kisses: To remember that Love should be a part of everyday. 1 John 4:7.
6. Candle: To remind us to be a light in someone else's day. Matthew 5:14-16.
Puzzle Piece: To remember that without God we are not complete. Proverbs 14:20.
Tea Bag: To remember to relax and go over that list of blessings. 1 Thessalonians 5:18.
7. Lollipop: To help you lick your problems.
Rubber Band: To help you be flexible, but not break your faith.
8. Snickers: To remind you to laugh in the face of trials.
Paperclip: To help you hold things together.
9. Sweet Tarts: To help you accept and appreciate the differences in others.
Roll of Tape: To remind you to stick to your goals.
10. String: To help you tie up loose ends.
Life Saver: To remind you of Jesus.
11. Lemon Drop: To remind you that "If live gives you lemons, make lemonade".
Penny: To give you the extra "cents" that everyone needs.
12. Nail: To help you remember the price Jesus paid because he loves you.
Hershey's Hugs & Kisses: To remind you how much I love you.
Basic Christian Survival Kit
13. Toothpick: To remind you to pick the good qualities in everyone including yourself.
Rubber Band: To remind you to be flexible, but not break your faith.
14. Band-Aid: To help you fix hurt feelings between you and others.
Eraser: To remind you that everyone makes mistakes.
15. Mint: To help you know that you are worth a mint to family and friends.
Hershey's Hugs & Kisses: To remind you everyone needs to be loved.
16. Salt: To remind you God wants us to be the salt of the earth.
Candle: To remind you to let your faith shine for all to see.
17.Stick of Gum: To remind you to stick with it and you can accomplish anything.
Number Stickers: To remind you to count your blessings every day.
Cross: To remind you of Jesus.
Tags: Christian Survival, Hershey Hugs, Hershey Hugs Kisses, Hugs Kisses, remember that, remind that