Friday, March 13, 2009

Be A Good Listener In Class

Hearing is a passive activity while listening requires you to actively think about what you are hearing. Learning to be a good listener in class takes practice, but everyone can learn to improve their listening and comprehension skills.


1. Be ready. Make sure your reading and class assignments are caught up and review your notes from the previous class before you come in. By being prepared when you come to class you can focus on the present moment and attend to what is being said in class.

2. Have a positive attitude towards your subject matter. Keep a positive attitude and make a conscious choice to find the information interesting and useful.

3. Listen with purpose by deciding what you want to get out of the lecture.

4. Keep an open mind when you're listening to different views and opinions. People often want to shut down or become defensive when they hear opposing views. Instead, take the time to absorb and try to understand what someone is saying. You don't have to agree with information in order to listen to it.

5. Set yourself up to be attentive. Sit in the front of the class and make eye contact with the teacher. Don't sit next to talkative classmates and don't sit near the windows.

6. Take good notes. Your teacher can talk faster than you can write, and that forces you to hone into key concepts and statements while you take notes.

Tags: positive attitude