Monday, December 31, 2012

Enforce The Americans With Disabilities Act At School

The Americans with Disabilities Act prohibits discrimination against persons with a disability. In education, this means that a person with a disability has the right to a well-rounded education as well as equal access to resources, transportation and post school activities. This article will help you ensure that your school is in compliance with federal law.


1. Include all students in the classroom. The law states that no child may be rejected from the classroom regardless of her disability.

2. Perform a non discriminatory evaluation. The school should offer a student evaluation that fairly assesses the type and extent of the disability.

3. Provide students with the least restrictive environment for learning at all times. Keep disabled students with the general population as much as possible. In some situations this is not always feasible. If this is the case, the school can make a decision to educate the student elsewhere if it is in the best interest of the student.

4. Make available to students a tailored education that fits their specific needs. This includes supplementary services, resources and supplementary materials and devices. These services can be in the form of teacher's aide in the classroom, a special education teacher, transportation and medical devices to enhance the student's learning.

5. Work with the student and parent to come up with an education plan that makes them comfortable. The law requires the school to collaborate with the student and parent to develop a special education plan.

6. Be conscious of the parents' and student's rights to sue the school if they feel they are treated unfairly. The student is entitled to procedural due process under the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Tags: Americans with, education plan, special education, student parent, students with, with Disabilities