Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Choose A Cosmetology School

Are you looking to choose a cosmetology school? If you have always wanted to do hair and nails for a living then there are plenty of schools that offer the training you need. Read on to learn choose a cosmetology school.


1. Contact your state department of health or state department of licensing and regulation for a list of approved cosmetology training facilities in your state. Programs that have met the state's requirements for licensing will be on record with this agency. You want to attend a program that has been approved by this agency so the hours that you earn towards your training actually count when it's time to sit for your cosmetology license.

2. Once you have selected potential schools in your area from the list provided by the state agency, ask if they can provide the license pass rates for those programs for the most recent reporting period. If you are unable to obtain the information this way then you can contact the cosmetology school directly for this information. Compare the rates of at least three cosmetology schools. Since the state typically dictates the content of all of the programs, the license pass rate will tell you quite a bit. It is usually an indication of the quality of instruction that students are receiving at the school.

3. Next, copy and paste the following link in your browser:


This is a link to the United States Department of Education Database of Accredited Postsecondary Institutions and Programs. If a school is listed here you have a reasonable assurance that the school is meeting at least the minimal standards of educational quality. This also means that the school is eligible to participate in the Federal Student Aid programs. Bottom line - low interest rate loans and grants may be available at that school.

4. Once you've determined the top three schools in terms of licensing rates and only included schools that participate in the Federal Student Aid program, take a tour of the cosmetology school. Meet with an Admission Representative, Financial Aid Officer, and a Cosmetology Instructor before making your final decision. Good luck!

Tags: that school, choose cosmetology, choose cosmetology school, cosmetology school, cosmetology school, Federal Student