Friday, March 16, 2012

Write An Informational Process Essay

A process essay should be short, sweet and to-the-point to keep the reader's attention.

An informative process essay describes a process through several steps, using thorough but concise language throughout the essay--always avoiding unnecessary, flowery language. Whether describing build a website or tie your shoes, the way you write a process essay makes a huge difference in how well your reader will accomplish a task after reading your essay. Here are a few steps for write an informational process essay.


1. Condense your essay into outline form by paraphrasing the introduction, body and conclusion. Instead of spending time crafting the language of the paper in the outline, only add the steps and points you want to make in paraphrased form.

2. Write an introduction. Your intro should be an overview of the process, allowing the reader to get the inside scoop before learning accomplish a task. For instance, if you were writing an essay about build a website, your intro might talk about the importance of building a good-looking website from a marketing standpoint. Don't get too detailed in the intro, just keep it very general but provide insight on the topic at hand.

3. Write the body. The body is made up of the steps in the process. Each process should concisely but thoroughly explain each step. Use active language that calls the reader to action. Instead of saying, "Start by lacing up your shoes by looping them through the holes", say "Lace up your shoes. Loop each lace diagonally through each hole." Do this for every step until the process is accurately conveyed.

4. Write the conclusion. The conclusion should recap the steps in the body and further explain the advantages to knowing complete the task. Again, keep the language to-the-point. People who want to read an informational process essay aren't interested in wordiness. They want to know do something as quickly as possible.

Tags: process essay, your shoes, accomplish task, build website, build website your, informational process