Monday, March 5, 2012

College Scholarship Interview Tips

Many college scholarships require an interview.

College scholarships can be very competitive and attract a large number of applicants. In cases where the field of applicants is large, a scholarship interview is often required. Many students who are asked to interview for a scholarship may not have had any formal interview experience. Therefore, it may be important to learn exactly succeed in a scholarship interview.

Research Information about the Scholarship

Without any formal interview experience, you may not know the importance of researching information about the scholarship. You should know the mission of the organization that is granting the scholarship. This allows you to determine what they might value in a candidate. It is also good to find out who previous recipients of the award are. This can further help you pinpoint qualities that the granting committee may be looking for. Furthermore, you should research and find out who will be on the granting committee. Even finding a picture of the judging panel can help you prepare for the interview. Finally, determine what qualities you possess that make you qualified to receive the scholarship. That is, specifically learn the requirements of the scholarship and be prepared to match your qualities with the requirements.


Although you can't predict what exact questions you will be asked in a college scholarship interview, there are some very common questions you should be prepared to answer. For example, you should be prepared to answer questions about your academic history and achievements. You should have answers to these types of questions memorized. If you can, you should have someone ask you a list of questions you think the committee might ask and practice your responses. Taking part in a mock interview can be very beneficial on the day of the interview, because practicing answers out loud to another person is much different than reciting an answer in your head.

Control What You Can

You can't control many aspects of a college scholarship interview. For example, you have no control over who will be interviewing you or what questions they will ask. However, you can control your first impression on the interviewers. Therefore, it is important to show up on time. Make sure you allow yourself enough time to get to the interview and account for traffic. Plan to be there at least 15 minutes before your scheduled time. Another aspect of the interview you can control is the way you look. Be sure to dress professionally. Even though this interview is not for a job, you still want to make a good impression. Although slacks and a collared shirt may be appropriate for males, a suit appears even more professional. Females should dress formally in a dress, skirt and shirt, or business suit.

Tags: scholarship interview, college scholarship, college scholarship interview, determine what, formal interview, formal interview experience, granting committee